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Neuromodulators, sometimes called wrinkle relaxers, are a very popular non-surgical treatment.

Overview of Neuromodulators

Neuromodulators can help:

  • Reduce and soften your existing wrinkles and prevent future wrinkles
  • Reduce and soften crow’s feet next to your eyes, frown lines, forehead lines, and more
  • Treat migraine
  • Treat hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating)
  • Treat stiff muscles and trigger points

That’s why our DYSPORT® and BOTOX® neuromodulator injections are perfect, if you want to look more refreshed and relaxed, or if you’re currently living with migraine, hyperhidrosis or stiff muscles.


Neuromodulator injections have become the most popular cosmetic treatment in North America. Millions of treatments are now performed anually. It’s the most popular cosmetic procedure for anyone who wants to look more relaxed and refreshed.

And as you can see from the list to the left, there are multiple other ways neuromodulators can help you.

How do neuromodulators work?
Neuromodulators reduce signals from your nerves to your muscles, in the area where you’re injected. This stops your muscle from fully contracting, so it can no longer make the movements that cause you to have lines and wrinkles. However, rest assured that you’ll still be able to make positive facial expressions, but they may be less exaggerated than before.

The DYSPORT® and BOTOX® neuromodulators we use will soften your current wrinkles as well as prevent future wrinkles. After several months, your muscles will slowly regain full activity, and it will be time for your follow-up treatment.

If your wrinkles appear only when you make facial expressions, neuromodulators are recommended. If grooves and folds are present even when your face is at rest, fillers may be indicated to smooth out these areas. We would then recommend a combination of DYSPORT® or BOTOX® and dermal fillers in order for you to enjoy the very best results.

Book your free consultation

If you’re ready to try Morpheus8, or just want to know more from one of our experienced medical professionals, contact us and book your one-on-one consultation. We will then discuss your specific needs and develop a personalized plan to achieve the look you want.

Common questions you might have:

Are neuromodulators like BOTOX, DYSPORT & Nuceiva safe?

Neuromodulators like, BOTOX®, have been licensed in Canada since 1990 as a safe and effective treatment for a variety of medical conditions and in 2001 it was approved by Health Canada for cosmetic use.

An estimated 17 million treatments have been performed in North America and it has received a 97% satisfaction rate among users. It continues to be one of the most widely researched medicines in the world.

Are there any side effects or complications?

A few common side effects include a small amount of discomfort, temporary bruising, and transient headaches.

More rare and unexpected side effects include infection at the injection site, temporary eyelid or eyebrow drooping (3% of injections), and allergic response.

Are there any side effects or complications from using neuromodulators?

A few common side effects include a small amount of discomfort, temporary bruising, and transient headaches. More rare and unexpected side effects include infection at the injection site, temporary eyelid or eyebrow drooping (3% of injections), and allergic response.

How soon will I see a difference? How long does a treatment last? How long is the treatment itself?

You can expect to see results within days after your treatment. Each treatment only takes about 20 minutes.

The results from DYSPORT® or BOTOX® are not permanent but, your youthful appearance will last from 3-4 months.

After repeated regular treatments, the effects may begin to last longer.

If I stop using DYSPORT® or BOTOX® will I look worse than I did before?

No, if you stop receiving injections facial aging will simply start to develop from that point onwards.

There will be no cumulative aging effect from the time that you started receiving treatments to the time you stopped.

Can everyone use DYSPORT® or BOTOX®?

Most people between the ages of 18 and 65 can use DYSPORT® or BOTOX®

Those who are pregnant, breastfeeding, have a neuromuscular disorder such as Myasthenia Gravis, Lambert-Eaton Syndrome or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS or Lou Gehrig’s disease) should not use DYSPORT® or BOTOX®, or If you are currently taking or likely to be taking IV antibiotics in the near future, your treatments should be postponed.